
Grand Final

  • 1
    THBT the protestors in Myanmar should choose to engage in violent protests as opposed to peaceful protests
  • 2
    THP a world where the state of Israel had been created in Germany as opposed to the Middle East
  • 3
    THBT majority Muslim countries should cut ties with China until the treatment of Uighurs is improved
  • Semifinals

  • 1
    THP a world in which social norms privilege introverts as opposed to extroverts
  • 2
    THBT individuals have the right to prioritize their immediate communities (family, friends, country etc.) over distant communities
  • 3
    THO art that glorifies patriotism
  • Quarterfinals

  • 1
    THBT the US Federal Reserve should abandon quantitative easing as a policy option
  • 2
    THBT the EU parliament should seek to set minimum wages for member states
  • 3
    THR the narrative that "SMEs are the backbone of the economy"
  • Round 4

  • 1
    THBT racial minorities should form a unified social movement instead of campaigning under individual distinct movements
  • 2
    TH, as an Asian Parent in a western society would not become a Tiger Parent
  • 3
    THR the adoption of respectability politics by minorities
  • Round 3

  • 1
    TH, as the Chinese Communist Party, would focus its resources on providing welfare as opposed to investing in foreign policy projects (i.e. the military, the One Belt One Road Initiative, aid to foreign countries etc.)
  • 2
    THBT Western countries should sanction Burmese military companies
  • 3
    THBT ASEAN countries should actively adopt neutral foreign policy stances as opposed to aligning with a superpower
  • Round 2

  • 1
    THP a world without coalition politics
  • 2
    THBT Biden's centrism does more harm than good
  • 3
    Assuming that individual's adherence to their own moral code can be objectively measured, THW give more votes to individuals with higher adherence scores
  • Round 1

  • 1
    THO urbanisation of rural areas
  • 2
    THW ban unpaid internships
  • 3
    THW compel social media platforms to pay news companies for displaying their content on their sites